Thank you for reading the Social Justice Party manifesto. As part of this manifesto statement, we have included a brief summary of our major policies.
Our promise to everyone who votes for us is that any elected representatives we secure in the House of Commons will advocate unceasingly and with determination to improve the lives of ordinary people in the UK. A vote for the Social Justice Party will never be a wasted vote. If we manage to get people elected we will fulfil our promise. Even if we don’t succeed in getting people elected this time around, your vote will prove to the establishment of this country that people still have faith it is possible to manage our economy with fairness. A vote for us will be a message that we reject the dishonest narrative we have been forced to endure from the established mainstream parties. If you read our manifesto and believe our aims are worth pursuing, we ask you to go further and believe they are possible!
Before you read those policies you might like to know a little bit about us and the broad principles that moved us to establish the Social Justice Party and which continue to guide us, especially when it comes to specific policy development.
We believe that Capitalism, through its exacerbation of wealth inequality and an undemocratic centralisation of power, puts profit before human need and is destroying our environment. As political activists convinced that no viable electoral alternative to the destructive philosophy of neoliberal capitalism existed, we felt there was no choice other than to establish a democratic socialist & environmentalist party advocating for both people and our planet; the combination of which could see us described as an Eco-Socialist party.
For several decades in this country, the needs and concerns of working class people have been almost entirely overlooked by the larger mainstream parties.
The reason why all those politicians have felt comfortable ignoring working class people is because they have been propped up by a system so corrupted by vested interests, that they see little point in acting for the good of the country when doing so would be counter to the interests of the super wealthy individuals and corporations who continue to make money hand over fist.
The millions and indeed billions that are often being shovelled up by energy companies, water companies, rail operators and now sadly the private health providers creeping into our NHS, are only possible because of the scandalous erosion of our public services.
The British economy is the sixth largest in the entire world and the second largest in Europe. Yet day after day we are fed a diet of lies by these self serving politicians and the media that serves them. We are told we cannot afford to have proper services, decent affordable education for our children, or infrastructure like roads and water facilities that aren’t left to crumble. We are told the NHS has to move from free health care to an insurance based model. We are told that moving to clean renewable sources of energy is unaffordable even though renewable energy is cheaper than the polluting fossil fuels wreaking havoc on the planet. We are told we have to continue to endure the highest retirement age and the lowest pensions.
None of those things are true.
It is not true that the economy is ‘struggling’. Britain remains one of the wealthiest countries in the world but the money is in the wrong hands. The growing number of billionaires in this country have OUR money.
It’s our money because even if the billions of pounds in the hands of the corporate giants that set the political agenda were not literally handed to them as subsidies from the public purse (the Treasury), their so-called ‘earnings’ are not properly taxed. Conveniently for these neo-liberal capitalists supported by both major parties, these disgraceful policies result in rising national debt and hand wringing about the need to ‘balance the budget’.
One of the main reasons the Establishment lie is so effective is because most of the UK’s media including social media is owned by a tiny handful of billionaires. Even the state broadcaster, the BBC, is not impartial as often claimed. The SJP believes that a fair press is vital to democracy. We call for an end to the dominance of biassed billionaire-owned media companies and tech companies, and their replacement with a media subject to democratic control and ownership.
Hopefully you’ll take the time to read our policies and you will see that we have underpinned all our policy objectives with sound economic principles.
There are very few things that can be seen in total isolation. Therefore you will see that our Public Ownership policy outlines the sound economic, money saving and essential goal of putting our resources and key services back where they belong – in our hands.
You will see how that policy fits in with our Economic and wealth redistribution policy and our Environment policy, and how that policy knits in with our Health and Social Care policy and our Housing policy.
We also have a policy statement about Human rights because when all is said and done, as important as economics is, if the economy is not a tool to make people’s lives better it is – except for those few making themselves rich at the expense of others – completely useless.
We recognise that capitalism is an International System that derives vast profits from all ordinary people. In order to put the needs of people on the planet first, an international approach is also required. We therefore call for the establishment of global agreements that promote and protect fair trade, Trade Union rights and safe working conditions across the world that are enshrined in principles promoting human rights, peace and cooperation and which protect our planet and precious wildlife.
We have also included a set of sensible and bold suggestions for how future work arrangements can be organised in order to not only properly reward people for their labour, but open up a new world of opportunity that takes advantage of modern methods of production.
In conclusion we would like to say this. We are a new party but our ideas are not new. We firmly believe that millions of people in Britain share our view that we do not have to endure the growing inequality we see all around us.
We do not have to endure the insult of having a full time job (sometimes two full time wages in a single household), and still not be able to pay a mortgage or afford proper winter heating.
We don’t have to watch our children be saddled with huge debt as a result of their efforts in getting a university education. The Social Justice Party will advocate for the
We don’t have to choose between economic comfort – a concept which for most people is becoming almost impossible anyway – and taking steps to secure our children’s environmental future!
There is another way and it is within our grasp. The Tories and Labour will say no – the best you can hope for is more of the same. The newspapers will gleefully agree with them.
We say –
Together we can forge a new path of prosperity where working class people are not left behind and the time is NOW.
If you would like to know more about the SOCIAL JUSTICE PARTY visit
What follows here is a brief summary of our major policies. At the conclusion of the manifesto the full policy statements are attached.