Election Reflection
A letter from the Social Justice Party’s candidate for Scarborough and Whitby and National Secretary Asa Jones reflecting on the General Election and the next steps for the party
We are a group of people who are profoundly unhappy with the way our country is being governed. For over half a century, the policies of both Conservative and Labour Governments have weakened our society, caused immense physical and mental hardship to working-class people and have sucked money and opportunities out of our communities. During a time of economic crisis, the profits of the rich are skyrocketing whilst more and more people struggle to pay their bills and feed themselves. We believe that all of the major UK Political Parties now embrace policies that benefit mega wealthy individuals and corporations and put profit before people and our planet.
The established political elite of this country are engaged in a conspiracy to convince us that no alternative exists to their economic practices – that leave the majority of people struggling to get by.
We want to elect representatives who will challenge this broken economic philosophy and offer the UK electorate a real alternative.
The Social Justice Party is a democratic socialist and environmentalist party. We believe that the working class are the foundation of our society and that their collective, democratic will should hold the majority of the power within society and they should receive their rightful distribution of wealth from it.
We believe that capitalism, through its exacerbation of wealth inequality and an undemocratic centralisation of power, puts profit before human need and is destroying our environment. The Party believes that common ownership and the democratic control of services and industry is the foundation for the achievement of a society guaranteeing every citizen’s right to the necessities of health care, housing, education, leisure and personal freedom.
The foundation of this Party is its local Branches. It seeks to mobilise local communities and to create a grassroots movement through these Branches, united under a common identity.
The Party shall work to establish and maintain within Parliament, Devolved Assemblies, Local Authorities and in the country a political Social Justice Party and establish a democratically elected Socialist Government.
In order to fulfil the Party’s aims and objectives every manifesto shall always include the following commitments:
Through state ownership, the full socialisation and democratisation of all essential services and industries which shall include:
The Social Justice Party will promote co-operative modes of ownership or giving workers a stake in the running of their workplace in sectors not listed above.
The Social Justice Party believes that the pursuit of socialism is not possible without acknowledging the need for climate and environmental justice. When developing a manifesto and practically undertaking policy, the Social Justice Party commits that all policies will amount to:
The Social Justice Party commits to adopting the objectives of the Climate Ecology Bill and to supporting Citizen’s Assemblies in promoting awareness of Climate Disaster and developing solutions.
We acknowledge the essential and legitimate role of trade unions in representing the needs of working-class people and are committed to advancing their cause and in particular those that are affiliates to this party. The Party shall work in pursuit of these aims with trade unions, co-operative societies and other representative and socialist bodies.
The Party, and in particular members elected to represent the Party, shall give effect to the objectives and policies outlined in this clause. Any person choosing to join this party shall be committed to these constitutional clauses. Any attempt by any member to alter the constitutional aims of public ownership set out in clause 2 in the party objective is a fundamental rejection of the socialist principles underlying said objective and will result in forfeiture of membership.
We want a fair and equitable society, where wealth isn’t concentrated in the hands of a few obscenely wealthy individuals but where working people receive the fruits of their labour. We will challenge the neoliberal economic policies that all of the major UK political parties are wedded to.
We intend to argue confidently and boldly for democratic socialist policies that unashamedly champion public ownership, cooperative workplaces and environmental safeguarding. We are against the privatisation of health, social welfare, education and public utilities. We want a society that looks after everyone.
We want to offer optimism and hope
On Social Media
It’s important for us to understand the reasons why the hateful ideology of fascism is gaining ground and also whether that ideology is actually shared by all the people – especially the very young – engaging in the apparently mindless violence and public disorder we’re witnessing.