Social Justice Party slams Government and Labour over new oil and gas licences

The recently formed Social Justice Party which launched at its conference in July of this year has condemned the Government’s decision to grant new gas and oil exploration licences as environmental vandalism.

Socialists Now Have A Party To Truly Represent Them

We are a socialist party founded on the principle of public ownership and one that places people and the environment at the forefront of our activities.

Social Justice Party councillor elected in Eastfield – a Hardy Left Report

A veteran Labour councillor standing as an independent socialist has regained his seat in impressive style.

Tony Randerson, who resigned as a North Yorkshire councillor after quitting his 30 year Labour membership, won the Eastfield by-election with a big majority, receiving almost half the votes cast. Labour came 3rd, with a 57% swing against them and behind the Lib Dems.

Tony’s ward in Scarborough, scores high for deprivation and disadvantage. As councillor there for a decade, his reputation for battling on behalf of residents has made him a popular and trusted figure. He is widely recognised thanks to frequent street surgeries and his trademark white cap.

Standing as a socialist, Tony focused his by-election strategy on running a clean campaign that addressed environmental concerns and community issues.

A former regional officer of Unite, Tony sees Labour as having lost its way. He joined other socialists, environmentalists and trade unionists in North East Yorkshire to build a new democratic socialist party. The Social Justice Party is in the process of being registered as a party and is looking to link with other left of centre parties across the north and beyond.

Enough is Enough!